Sunday, May 10, 2009

Night Scare

T was good. Kayla and her family was there and Nanna and Puppa.

We went back to my uncle's place and had desert it was so good and chocolatly.

All us kids played this game where we through a ball to try and knock this tin thing over. It was pretty lame but still fun all the same.
The power went out. I screamed. We still played the throughing game even tho it was pitch black. Dad came is and tried to scare us, I got scared. It was fun though me and Kayla took photos of us together in the dark. We got some silly ones.

Blah.... Blah.... Blah it was a good night.
Fun all around

I'm tired



  1. Barry11.5.09

    You and Kayla took pictures in the dark? Boy, I bet you looked even darker than you do now! Hahaha!!

