Saturday, April 18, 2009

Part 2 Ending

Part 2 The ending

The bus was early at 8:50am so I set my alarm at 6am so we could cuddle for a bit. I left my phone in Scott's room so he could get the alarm instead of me. He ended up turning the alarm off when it went off and fell back asleep, Scott finally woke up at 8 then came and got me sadly it was too late to cuddle.
We got there just into time. He got he goodbye kiss and walked the steps onto the bus. The good bye kiss wasn't as sad because we knew that we'd see each other soon and that we'd always be there with each other. I think this little break we got to re-new our love for each other and it was magical.

On the bus trip while I was doing my makeup to get ready for shopping and I got to think over what a great holiday this was. There was people were around us but for once they didn't matter, it was just us surrounded by only each other. Amazing and magical wrapped in one.


  1. Barry19.4.09

    Anna, it's too bad that you had to rush out without a snuggle to start the day off. But at leats you had a great holiday.

    Does Scott live far away?


  2. Yer that's true but I did miss my morning cuddle.

    Scott lives about half an hour away.

