Thursday, July 30, 2009

What do i do now?

my 200th post. Nothing to say but :( and its not getting any better

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


And we broke up

Monday, July 27, 2009


Ok i have a bit of a confession I've lost my diary that I took to Fiji :(

I think I left it at my uncles. Also left my shoes at work experience, have to get them.

I'm so sorry guys I haven't blogged for too long. Let me just say Fiji was amazing, beautiful and I didn't want to leave. I cried way to much at the airport.

My weekend had its good and bad parts. I'll start at Friday.....

Finished work Friday was awful I gave May my hug and I walked out I didn't want to leave it all just yet but I hope to be back in a couple of years time. I learnt so much from Jason and May the two photographers at the local paper. I'm so glad I went there, almost didn't. There was so much new imformation that I didn't know where to put it so I put it in a book.

Tip from May: "In low light photography use a faster f. stop like 2.8 or lower if possible.
Tip from Jason: "In sport photography predict what will happen"

I want to go take photos now well I'm going to in about 15minutes.

Friday night I got a male friend over to watch movies but he took it to far i said stop but he wouldn't and yer I don't know what to do I need counselling or something I'm so shaky and nervous. Being around Scott today was good I felt safe in his bubble went when I was out of it I'm different feel good on the inside. I haven't told him what he guy did to me because he'll kill him and he knows the guy and already hates him. I can't take it to the cops. But I told the guy I will if it happens again. Shit weekend. This thing shouldn't happen to me. I told one friend but it isn't enough help.

Saturday our exchange student came back for a very long visit staying for a year. Ek!

Annalisa the hurt

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 7

Wednesday 1st 2009

In the shower I tried to get as much oil out of my hair as I could with soap but it didn't work that well. We signed out of the htoel (thank god) and went to macca's for breaky. I got hotcakes but I didn't eat them all as usual.
Then we went to the port to board the cruise boat, I was a bit worried but once we safely left the dock I was happy. We sat near two young guys, Dom and Anthony and they are on their uni holidays. The baot trip took about one and a half hours. I had Kava on the way there then we took a glass bottom boat to the island, the glass had cracks in it which worried me. When we got to the island our guide saidwe got go and get changed and go snokerling in the ocean or snokerling in the bar! I choose the ocean, I went over to Dom and Anthony, I can't remember which one but one of them said I should be a model not a photographer. I smiled. THen we got our gear and took the glass bottom boat out to the reef. I sat next to Anthony. When I hoped into the water he made sure I was ok. The coral wasn't as bright as I thought it would be but still beautiful. I saw bright blue starfish and nemo. :) When we got back to shore we had a massive lunch. I sat with Anthony and took photos. Also beforelunch I got some great photos of people playing volley ball. I also meet a guy from Poland. After lunch we went snokerling again but it was really rough. Then it was time to had back to the cruise ship, I couldn't believe the day went so quickly. I went on the first trip back to the boat with Dom. It was rough heading back and raining and I didn't have any dry clothes so Anthony was nice enough to share his towel with me. The two guys were so nice we talked the whole we back. We have to take mum's sister's family out for t and the guys said to do to the sheridan because they got a two for one deal on. Also that's where they are staying. We said our goodbyes and hoped to see each other at the sheridan. At Shamilas I checked my photos none of them where there, I cried. But hopefully I can get them back we I go home. I took my camera to the sheridan. I saw the boys, I told them what happen to my camera, they said they'd try and fix it while I had t. T was good except I had sushi which made me feel sick. When I went to see the boys they were able to find 254 photos I was so happy. I got anothony's number and we said we'd all catch up for lunch tomorrow.
After t we went back to shamila's and stayed the night.

Days 4 to 6

Sunday 28th June

Today I slept in then jumped in the shower. Sandy, Nana's dog is about to give birth to puppies any day now. I hope I get to watch I've never seen a dog give birth before.

Almost straight away I jumped into the Fiji waters. Argh the joy! But I think something was biting me. We stayed in the sea for a while then went crab hunting. I think my cousins were shocked that I was game enough to try to grab them. We even saw a poisonous crab, pretty colours. Then we went for a stroll on the beach, nani (my grandma) came too. She told me to put my thongs on so my feet wouldn't get cut on the shells and glass. It was so good for her to care for me like my nanna at home does for me these are the little things that I miss most. I would like to have my wedding in Fiji because my family here can see me start a new chapter in my life since they didn't get to see enough of my child life.
Today after the beach I sat with Nana, guess what I get my small feet off him and finally I am taller than him. Argh I miss him alot I think I'm more a like him than anyone else, cliche I know.
We had Fiji sweets at the beach too, they were so sweet and yummy. I need to have a shower soon, I smell like the ocean. We're having fish for t. Sibo had wet hands and I drew a love heart on her hand and she put her hand on my cheek, it left a print. Share the love I say :)
Hey today I had my first cut today. In the water Hamish tackled me in shallow water and I hit a rock, my knee got cut up. But I'll survive.
I got he best photo taken today eith a Asian tourist and some natives, everyone looks so happy :) It's great. They asked me to take a photo for them then they wanted me in the picture so I got one taken with my camera too. In Fiji they sorta have gosepal churches like they have in America but it's in a differen't language. you still get the feel for it though and the rytheme. I would love to go to one but I'm scared they wouldn't accept me.
We had fish for t then I went to bed after the shower. I read te Sundowner's book and finished it. It was a great ending but I didn't want it to end.

Monday 29th June

Today I had egg and roti for breakyand tried to have lots of water. I wasn't feeling well today. The heat got to me early and I felt dizzy.
Me, mum, dad and Hamish went into town, dad had to change some clothes because they weren't good quality. In exchange I got a Pandora bead of a turtle. After we went to Denarau Island and went for lunch and a swim at one of their resorts. It was nice but it started to rain in the end.
I sat in the pool bar and read a new book 'Chanel by Edmonde Charles-Roux' It's good so far. We also meet a couple from New Zealand. Tomorrow we're going back to that resort because mum and dad have to listen to this talk to get a free day cruise and while they are doing that I booked me and Hamish to get a relaxation massage. Can't wait so excited for it.
We went to my uncle's for t it was good but I wasn't feeling that good so I walked home and tried to have a good sleep but it didn't work. Bad sleep.

Tuesday 30th June

Today me, Brandon, Sibo and Sabina went to Worldmark at Wyndham while mum and dad went to a presentation that tried to sell them timeshares. Of course they didn't by it but they got two free adult mystery cruise for tomorrow and they got two more tickets for me and Hamish.
Me and Brandon got a massage for half an hour I didn't want it to stop, I could fully relax. Then I went to the bar and talked with the chick who worked there she told me to go on facebook to add her and I said I'd make an account tonight. For the rest of the day we chilled out at the resort, then dropped Sibo and Sabina off at my uncles restuarant. Then we went to the hotel we were ment to stay at a better one but we couldn't get in. :( Lets just say I didn'tlike the place.
Me and mum got a full body massage, but I didn't like it because she put oil in my hair and massaged my head and hair. I don't like people touching my hair except with Scott does. :) Sleep Time

Monday, July 13, 2009

First Three Days in Fiji

Well I'm finally home. It was an amazing trip. Well I guess I bet to get into it....

By the way I'm not changing the tense, I'm leaving it the way I wrote it.

Thursday 25th June
We'll be in Nadi, Fiji soon. I've got the window seat so I can take pictures of the clouds. That's my favourite bit about the fl:ight is the fact that I'm above the clouds the sky is really the limit. Mummy dear just order my a hot chocolate :)
We're about a hour or so into our flight. The hot chocolate is to die for, it's so yummy! and sweet. LAst time I came to Fiji, I watched the flight attendants and I wanted to be them. How things change, even though maybe I still do want to be them with their pretty faces, good bodies and the best work uniforms. And of course getting to travel around the wrold for a living. I'm now going ot read my book "Sundowners by Lesley Lokko."

Well I'm back to my second home. Yet it feels weird Hamish is fitting in so well but I don't feel as comfortable. I ended up watching a movie on the plane "Fired Up" It was ok but the story line was too obvisious; boy meets girl and likes her, hurt her feelings, she pushes him away and then they end up together.
I showed pictures of my Scott to my cousins, I didn't know how they would react but they said he was cute! Dad's been bragging about Scott too :)
OMG I recieved a text from Scott I was so happy it worked but sadly I can't reply on anyones phone I don't know whats wrong with it. I want to text him so badly and say I can hear you  and I love you.

I can't believe how gorwn up my cousins are and I can see that I've grown up too. I can't think straight I'm going to sleep now before I get over tired.

Friday 26th June

My sleep was awful I couldn't stop sneezing and I coudn't breathe right. :(
I've only had a shower and breaky and I'm already stuffed. I don't feel well. All my aunties are over to tea and a chat. Today the weather is bearable but still very hot. The shower was good, refeshing but I forgot how hard it is to use. You have a big bucket of hot water then you use a small bowl to pour it over yourself. I still don't think I got all the shampoo out :(
I feel sick! I don't know how to get better, think I'll go into town and get some bottled water.

Me, Dad and Hamish went to Nadi. When we went into a pohne shop a boy followed us. I didn't think anything of it until he started to beg for money to feed his family he said, he only looked 11years old. He didn't stop begin until he got his way. I hated hearing his pain and sadness in his whine. But the is reality! Reality is what it shouldn't be though hey? Why does a man in a $200,000 car drive past a woman with her ifant sit on the path begging for hope?
It doesn't seem right to me and the world ignores it, that man will go on with his day and life. And that baby will be dead before it's 5th birthday.
So that's reality? That's awful.

When we drove from home to Nadi we saw a native walking and we picked him up. And took him to the shop that would have taken him a hour to walk to. It was truly rewarding. He said " Thank you, thank you, god bless you." Beautiful.

Aim: To eat with hands for this trip.

Just had t it was so good. Argh need to loss weight shouldn't have eaten so much.
My breathing was so bad today, I know my breathing is loud and I hate it but I can't help it. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow.
Argh so over family pinching my cheeks and arms but that's like a normal thing they do, but argh painful. And yes I've told my cousins so stop but they don't.
Omg when we were driving in town we saw my oldest cousin Shelvin. It was so good to see him, we got a park and I ran to hug him but of course I ran too fast and ended up stepping on his toes. Sorry. He's so tall and older.

Dad just taught my cousin to play 52 pickup, how mean.

Saturday 27th June

Today I woke up at 8:30, it was good because it wasn't that hot then. I just gt straight in the shower.
Then me, Hamish, mum, dad, Sibo (youngest cousin) and her mum Sabina went in the same car, and nobody wears seatbelts in the back.
I got Scott some guy's purfume. but I'll give it to him for xmas os something.
I saw Shelvin and Douglas down the street.
When we got back to the house I took some photos of some natives and flowers. I also took some of some kids and then showed them the picturesthey loved it, oh  thank you for digital. 
We went ot Nishwant's for t it was fun. I mainly took photos of the kids as they played. Nishwant even caught a gecko for me so I could take a picture and my nana (grandpa) caught a cane toad, he picked it up by the foot. We played this board game, can't remember the name though. I'll find out.
Onteeka (Cousin) wanted to play with me all night it killed me too much running around. But it was good to spend time with family.
Also had a nap today, I feel so lazy yet tired here.

I'll right more later or tomorrow I'm sick.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fiji Fun

Wow the just keeps getting better I love it. But there has been one really bad part that I'm havig night  mares over. But I think I'll tell you it when I get home.

Yesterday I hanged out with cousins and went to the beach. I scored a try in beach rugby, I rock! But a crab or fish bit me on the toe.

Missing Scott, so muchly. Argh wona hold him.

Fiji has just been truly great.