Monday, May 11, 2009

Quote of the Day

"And feel that I am happier than I know."
John Milton, English Poet 1608-74

Am I happier than I know?

I think so. There and so many little things that nobady pays enough attention to. Not me, not you. I aim to pay more attention to the little things in life. Things that make me smile without even knowing. If I remember them which I aim to do I'll write them in a post. I know I wont write one every day but I'll try. :) 

When I'm happy I don't notice the passing of time. I'm living the time that I have, I'm not worrying. Even if I'm totally upset and I pretend to be happy its turns out I am. Because somehow in that short time someone will say something nice to me and make my day. I know I'm just blahhing on but I think this is serious with all the suicdes and people with depression these days we need so show more happiness and spread it on. 

This is going to sound lame but its the only way I can explain it......

You put too much jam on one slice of bread, then what do you do? You get another slice of bread and put the excess jam on it.
A.K.A Jam = Happiness. When you have a lot of happiness in your life pass it on and also be thankful for what you have. Lots of Jam :)

Anna the Jam :)   


  1. Barry13.5.09

    Jesus Annalisa, you make me smile sometimes! Stop it, my face is starting to hurt. For real!

    Thanks for the jam sweetie.


    Barry the can't-get-this-grin-off-my-face
