Tuesday, May 12, 2009

School Day

School went by in a blur and so quickly.

We played hand ball in P.E in was ok. After a few falls though I might add. It was girls on girls and we all got a bit rough. But fun all the same. Alot of girls had a sook about the boys ruining the game and that but ar well who cares, it is just a game after all. It didn't worry me that much when two guys joined our game, it made it more exciting. Yet some girls had to whine about it. Of course not everybody can stay happy when it's not going their way. But don't get me wrong I get like that to.

Double maths. :0 A maths test. It was open book so I think I done pretty well. Well lets just all hope I did. I like my maths so I don't like it when I don't get a good mark. I'm hoping for the best. In the 90's would be good. :)

Then Humanities which was good as we got to was a movie. I enjoyed it, we haven't finished it yet it's about Al Copone. Me and my friend, Lilly have really liked learning about him. I don't want to movie to end.

English last. Our teacher read to us, the book is ok. As usual I block out what she is saying and read ahead.

Talk soon



  1. yeah my class played handball last year. I really enjoyed the game and think it was for the better that the boys didn't play against us. its a shame not everyone was kept happy in your class but i think the girls were right to unhappy it is important that boys don't always get to barge in on what the girls do because i think they can really ruin a game. last year we played a bit with boys but the girls never got a touch because they would just throw it end to end to each other. i think is very unfair and frustrating if it is supposed to be the girls turn and the boys rekon they can just take over.
    thats just my opinion
    Bee xx

  2. Yer that's true.

    But boys are always going to be like, as in stealing a woman's thurder somtimes I guess. I just think you shouldn't take it to heart and just have fun with it.

    Anna :)

  3. Barry13.5.09

    Yeah, we all know how boys can get! wink ;)

    Boys are generally more competetive than girls (notice I said GENERALLY), and it's easy for a game to get too serious and out of hand sometimes. Just all the raging testosterone, not that it makes it right.

    I always sucked in Math, English Lit and Theatre Arts were my strong points.

    Al Capone was a fascinating person.


  4. :)

    Yer true.

    Argh I knew I spelt his name wrong. Does anyone know if there is a book on him and his life?
    I would love to read one.

    I love my math.


  5. Barry13.5.09

    Hey Tiger.

    I checked on Amazon and there's a huge selection:


    You don't have to get it here but this will give you tons of titles to make note of. Also of course the library should have lots.

    I have to say I'm still really impressed how well you're doing in math, so many creative people aren't into numbers. Please let us know how you do on your math test!

    Good luck with your Art essay today, I've been thinking about it a lot lately and wondering how you're doing.

  6. Thank you. I'll be sure to check it out.

    I got 100+% I got to + because I done the bonus questions are so so so happy. :)

    I handed in the essay so we will see how it goes.


  7. Barry14.5.09

    Brilliant! =)

    Barry the proud.
