Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yesterday's News

Well yesterday as you all know I had a interview with a photographer from the local paper! Well I got news for you! He canceled!!!!!!! He said he was to busy.
I was already on the bus there. I wasn't happy. I carried my bag, laptop and camera through the streets in pouring rain and I mean pouring. But I keep walking to the Newspaper place I thought maybe he might by there and not actually that busy but when I got there he was out. So I left my portfolio there.

While I was in town I brought some nail polish to make my nails grow longer and stronger. :)

Hip Hop was great!

But there was a new girl. Please I'm not trying to be mean but she is a freak! She isn't a dancer. I'm sorry I must sound awful but seriously she isn't suited to dancing. Even all the others girls said it. We're all hoping she'll quit. Wow that does sound bad. But yer anyways....

Sorry I didn't post last night I was so tired.


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