Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Angry Dance

I've eaten and showered. I had hip hop before is wasn't that great, well actually it was awful. My feet and head were not connecting and I just couldn't get the steps. I almost gave up but I didn't I still did it but with anger and not trying hard enough. I was stressing out big time. I tried to think of Scott to clam me a bit but whenever I started to relax my dance teacher Toni would talk which ended it. She could tell I wasn't happy and she told me to be happy. Like telling me is going to make me happy.
It was just a off class for me. I for the last 45minutes I didn't say more than 10 words which would usually be a huge struggle but I keep it in scared that I would burst and yell. I did say Fuck Off to Toni under my breath a bit.
Sorry. Argh I don't know what was wrong I just couldn't be myself.
I'm warm now and think I'll just go to bed or something I've caused enough stress for one day. Or maybe I'll just keep writing posts.

Anna the angry lion


  1. Barry23.4.09

    Just an off day Annalisa, everybody has them. Don't try to figure it out, just blow it off.

    Something to soothe that fiery soul....

