Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The outside of my skin

Hello to all my people of motivation.
I was just thinking know one knows what I look like so I'm going to try and explain.
I'm very short only 160cm I think. I have tan/olive/brown skin with brown eyes and brunette hair with a fringe and layered hair below the shoulders.
I my body is small except for my boobs I think :)
I love my shoulders and the space below my neck I think its sexy so does Scott.
I have very small toes nails and Scott is obessed with my little toes.
My tummy is flat most of the time. And I don't like my arms.
I think my eyes are beautiful as the white of them stand out in contrast to my skin and my lips are the best size just a little big. Marcara and my eye lash curler are my favourtie tools for making my eyes stand out.
Overall I think my body isn't the best but I do like it. It's mine I have to.
Any question feel free to ask :)


  1. Annalisa, you sound like a beautiful woman and perhaps I'll see a picture of you sometime. But right now I'd like to get to know the inner you more. You did say you're open to questions, so......it's quiz time!

    The last five phrases I've listed in my interests on my profile are what I think are the most important qualities in a person. Without looking at what I wrote, could you list five of yours? I'm curious to see how they compare.


  2. Okay Anna, well I've been kind of all over the place with my comments the past day or two. I realize my mind's been a bit scattered and I've been writing little poems and quotations (if it's possible to quote yourself!) to get my brain organized and make a little sense of everything. The only way I can understand myself these days is to put myself on paper.

    So to answer/comment on a few things I missed:

    -I suppose we Canadians do get 'bagged out' by Americans but we're rarely down there to hear it! :) Whatever. All I ever hear about are the differences between Canadians and Americans when really we're the same in many ways. I've been to the US several times and the people I've met were great!
    -looks like your studies are pretty diverse, it's a smart way to go. What is Studio Art VCE?
    -if you like to draw nudes and redesign shoes, maybe you should draw nudes wearing shoes that you've designed. That way you could save some time. HA HA HA!!! I make myself laugh a lot, even if no one else does. :) Sometimes I just start laughing about something I've thought of and people think I'm crazy. I love it.
    -but seriously. Have you heard of Steve Hanks? (No, he's not Tom Hanks' brother!) He has done some exquisite work capturing female nudes in watercolours. I'm always amazed with the way he captures light. It's obvious to me that he appreciates the female form and celebrates it in each of his paintings. God, I can't think of anything else in life that's better to celebrate. He once said, "Women occupy a special niche in my sensitivity. They express more storytelling ability. There's more magic in them." Amen Steve. My favourite is a piece called 'Reflecting'.

    Amazing Bug

    Oh, I found out! Yay! The bug in the picture is an Australian black-backed, four-winged spotted whistling thistle weevil.

    Actually I still have no idea. Ha ha. :)

    Right now I have 'Crazy' by Icehouse playing on You Tube. I LOVE that song!! The video starts out with a view of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. What a tease. God I want to go to Australia someday!

    Well, gotta go to bed now. Talk later.


  3. Importsnt quilities of a person are:
    (I so badly want to sheck but I want)

    -Fun loving

  4. Barry,

    Oh yep. I was just wondering as I see it alot on americans TV shows/movies.
    -I love to study a bit of every thing. Studio Art VCE is a higher level art in my year. Meaning I am doing a higher subject for my level of study.
    -I could put the two together but I get a higher score if I do them on their own :)
    -Stop trying to trick me with the I know what bug it is trick (actually don't its makes me laugh).
    Hurry up and buy a ticket before you start dreaming about being a kangaroo. :)

