Thursday, April 2, 2009

Strength from Love

I'm scared time is running out. Tomorrow will be the end of term one. Three to go until another year has ended. It's all going so fast, so quick. Half of the days are a blur only filled with my thoughts and inside jokes.
Today at lunch that I spent it with Scott of course but something wasn't right. Even Jess could tell that when I saw her in the toilets. I felt bad for Scott because he could tell I wasn't happy and I know he wanted to have fun with me with probably the last hot day we'd get in a while.
But I couldn't shake to scared and worried side off me, I felt like I was stuck in some unknown parellel world.
And I knew why I was scared. The future had come to scare me again.
For the rest for lunch I put on a happy face. I was almost happy to leave Scott to go to class. Yes I said almost not totally.
I'm scared time is running out this past week went so quick and I'm hardly going to see Scott over the two week break. (Because he has to work and look after his mum's farm for a week). I'm scared we're going to not have enough time together before the end of the year. Before he starts his life in the real world with me on the side.
I know we're going to be together forever now we're get that. And we love knowing it.
But I just want more time at school with him.
I know we're going to have to face the real world some time but I'm scared I'm not ready yet.
Scott helps gives me strength and he's excited to bring us to the real world he's already planning holidays. I want strength from him to help me get through the hard times.
I'm so scared but I'm also positive as usual. I just want to know whats going to happen and for more time.
I hope I'm making sense to everyone out there.


1 comment:

  1. "Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it."

    - Benjamin Franklin
