Monday, April 13, 2009

The Struggle of Time

I live with my parents and I think they're great.
But my mum can be a bit annoying like she's always telling me what to do and is always nagging and repeating herself.
And dad can be a bit over the top, he has his ways of being annoying too.
Scott loves my parents but lately me and Scott haven't been able to relax at home because they are always around and telling us what to do. Also my family is very social so we're always going out every weekend pretty much so we don't get much time at home to relax together alone. It's been having a big impact on our relationship lately. When we as a couple can't relax we get stressed out and bite each others head off. Scott has also been avoiding coming to my place and asking me going to his place instead. I guess I can live with that but lately I've been doing alot of photography work and he works on weekends too sometimes, so it has been hard to find time to see each other.
Scott lives half a hour away from me and we both can't drive yet so it makes it a constant struggle to see each other. It's like a long distance relationship and we can't handle that yet. We need to see each other more. But with my parents its hard because he doesn't want to be around them and dad thinks I shouldn't be going to his place so much because Scott should me chasing me around more which I think is a little true but yer Scott doesn't want to come here so often.
We need to find more time to see each other and this next week would be good as long as my dad will let me and hopefully Scott can come here.

XX Anna


  1. Barry15.4.09

    I know it doesn't make it any easier when I say this Anna, but what you've just described is what about 80% of couples around your age go through. Do the best you can with it, it will pass and when it does it'll be really GOOD!


  2. Yer thats true I guess I just wish it wasn't that hard and long.

