Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pretty Picture

I went for a walk past the creek infront of my place with Chocolate(Now shorten to coco), I found
this well plant :)


  1. Barry23.4.09

    Hmm, pretty picture. Annalisa, I've been wanting to ask you about your photography for a long time.

    -How many cameras do you have?

    -Do you develop your own pictures?

    -I know you've talked about it, but will you actually come out from behind the camera one day to share your beauty with the rest of the world? Rainbows shouldn't hide behind clouds, and we're all missing out on your brilliant colours.

    -Could you post any pictures of people you've taken?

    -Have you decided on a name for your business?

    -Do you know what the name of that bug is? HA HA HA, I couldn't resist. I just LOVE doing that to you!!!!!!!!! It's too easy.

    -Is the new SLR that you got digital or film? (sorry, not sure what the correct term is)

    -Do you have any more jobs lined up?

    -Would you consider coming to Canada to do a shoot? (I actually don't have anything lined up but I'm thinking of any way I can to get your ass up here). :)


  2. Hey.

    I own 4 Cameras.

    I develop some at a store and some on my own.

    Hmm maybe one day I will but not yet.

    I would rather not put any up of them.

    No not yet sadly.

    I'm not even going to try and answer that one :)

    Yer Mine is digital but I would love to get my hands on a film one.

    I've got a job in a couple of weeks and maybe Sunday.

    I've would love to come as long as someone paid for my plane ticket :)

